Thursday, July 7, 2016

26 Weeks

 Week 26 Complete
How far along? 26 weeks 2 days, first week of my 3rd trimester! And last Sunday was 99 days left! And 6 weeks tomorrow!
Baby is the size of: A butternut squash, a large zucchini, or a kale leaf, 2 lbs and 14 inches long.
What did the baby develop: He is adding on layers of fat to regulate his own temperature. His eyes are starting to open, blink, and his eye lashes are grown. He is borrowing my antibodies to make his own immune system. All 5 senses are fully developed. Most of Skishy’s bodily systems and functions are now intact, and most of the rest of his development purely revolves around putting on height and weight.
Gender: Sweet baby boy, Adler James
How many:1 little squishy
Showing a bump: Yep. It is here to stay.
Maternity clothes: 75%, I still have some pants and skirts I can wear for work. Apparently my bump should grow 1/2" a week from here on out though, so I am not expecting these to last long.
Stretch marks: Nope
Sleep: Still doing pretty well. Averaging 2-3 wake ups a night. If I only wake up once I know I have slept hard!!
Movement: Non stop during the day and very active in the evenings when I stop moving around. Not so much at night yet though. He definitely pushes straight out the front now so that I can feel my stomach very taught where he is. Just so neat, unless I have to go to the bathroom which is often. Then not as neat. ;)
Best moment this week:Visiting my sister Clara and her hubby Drew. Clara was even able to feel Adler move around!
Miss anything:I have realized that when I sit for a long time at work, when I get up to walk to the bathroom, my initial walk is a bit of a waddle. I have to consciously think about walking normal. Kinda makes me laugh. I am not big enough to waddle! Must be my hips shifting.
Also, we walked so much this weekend that I woke up Sunday with my abdomen tightening on the right side where Adler hangs out. So I treated it like contractions. Tons of water and relaxed for a few days. Took a day or 2, but now I am back to normal!
And we started our birthing classes last Thursday.Will fill you in more on those next week.
Medical Help:  Daily Vitamins - Prenatal, fish oil, Vitamin D, Probiotic, Calcium/Magnesium, and electrolyte supplement
Emotionally Feeling: Thankful for Thomas and who he is.
Belly button in or out: In
Food cravings: Ice cream. Even though it doesn't sit well, the rich creaminess just sounds amazing in the heat! Oh and watermelon. Helps with the dehydration.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Anything other then straight protein in the morning is no bueno.
Symptoms/Side effects: Linea Nigrea, tender gums, skin stuff multiplying, sore back when I don't sit right, calf/foot cramps when I don't get enough water.
Wedding ring off or on: On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy
Looking forward to: Next Tuesday. Then I will have taken (and passed, because lets just claim it) my gestational diabetes test. It's the most dreaded part of pregnancy for me. Not because I don't think I will pass, but because I don't want to feel like crap the rest of the day after drinking that crazy sugar drink in the morning! I have a plan though! I will tell you how it goes.
Things they don't tell you about pregnancy: That everyone looks at your face and then down at your stomach. I know that I said that before, but it still floors me. Also, even though I don't feel big, the extra little weight definitely puts a different strain on my back.
Not perfectly stomach form fitting, but I really do feel my bump has grown!

Awesome weekend with Clara and her hubby Drew in Portland.
Next question. I know some of you don't carry a diaper bag, but for those that do.... What are the necessaries for the diaper bag? I am still all about simplicity, but is anything more needed then diapers, wipes, a wet bag, and an extra onesie?

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