How far along? 5 weeks!
Babies are the size of: A BB pellet or an apple seed.
Gender: Unknown
How many: 1 as of right now. I will believe it after the next 2 ultrasounds from my previous experience though!
Showing a bump: Hopefully not!
Maternity clothes: Definitely not.
Stretch marks: Nope.
Sleep: Still sleeping pretty well. Have moments of it being hard to fall sleep.
Movement: No.
Best moment this week: Watching the HCG numbers more then double every 2 days, feeling the love as you all cheer us on.
Miss anything: I feel totally fine and yet at the same time, every movement I make seems just a little bit more difficult.
Medical help: Daily progesterone shots, every 6 hour estrogen pills, 3 blood work appointments, 1 ultrasound appointment.
Emotionally feeling: Incredibly excited. Choosing to be joyful instead of fearful.
Medical help: Daily progesterone shots, every 6 hour estrogen pills, 3 blood work appointments, 1 ultrasound appointment.
Emotionally feeling: Incredibly excited. Choosing to be joyful instead of fearful.
Belly button in or out: In.
Food cravings: I am loving fruit and veggies. It is the cold and crispy. I could eat fruit all day long!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not so far.
Symptoms/Side effects: Having to visit the ladies room constantly, very consistently feel twinges in my abdomen, starting to feel my core being really warm.
Wedding ring off or on: On.
Looking forward to: Watching these littles grow each week!
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Babies 1st Pictures!
The yolk sack |
Our appointment this afternoon was great! Dr Murrain told us that according to when my cycle was and how far along the embryos were, we were 5 weeks and 1 day along with a due date of Oct 10th! We saw that there was beautiful little border sack with a little yolk sack in there too. The little was measuring at 9.55mm which is 5 weeks and 5 days measurement!
Also my cervex was 42.02mm long and closed. Which is perfect! And according to Dr Murrain my uterus is the size of a plum, which is why I can feel stuff going on in there.
He did also say that it was a singleton as of now. So we will see what next week brings! He also said that we could see the heartbeat in the next 5 days too, but we weren't able to get an appointment until next tuesday. So weekly updates it is!
5 weeks and 1 day! |
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