Sunday, October 26, 2014

More Shots - Day 5

Today is day 3 of shots. 

Friday night was me rushing to give my self a shot at 5:30 because I was running out the door.
Last night (sat) night we were hanging with friends and they got to watch. It was funny because Thomas and I had never had an audience before. I should have had them take pictures. 

And I had also forgotten that in order to get the very most out of the meds, I most likely will have to have 2 shots each night from hear on out to get every last stinking expensive drop of that follistim. 

This time I am counting how many shots I am having done. Just because why not?

I can't wait until tomorrow when I have blood work and an ultrasound because we started with 300 IUs of follistim this time and I am praying it works and I have LOTS of little follicles and they develop quicker then last time.

I will let you know what happens tomorrow though. 

Until then, I simply have another shot tonight.

Here were some pics from yesterdays pumpkin patch fun with our friends Sarah and Craig.

Sarah siad I couldn't point too. Only Thomas.  :(

We got to punkin chuck!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Pumpkin chucking looks like so much fun! Did you hit the target? (Also, still praying for you two!)
